Friday, August 13

I'm really good at keeping up with this shit. And gramar too.

My official verdict on the We Who See wedges? They look absolutely fantastic and make my legs look like i'm 12 ft tall. Unfortunately, one simple morning-after-drunken 2.5 mile walk home through the wilds of Philly and these wedges caused me to lose a toenail. Lose as in turn purple, die and fall off. I know, I threw up in my mouth too. This 'situation' occured in January and it took until MAY for it to grow back. It may be worthy to note that this morning followed what was quite literally (knock on wood) the most unbelievable/ridiculous/stupid night of my life. Just thinking about the night i get douche chills. You know what i'm talking about. When you think about something you did in the past and your immediate instinctual reaction to to cringe your face and think "dear gods, WHY?"

In other news my life is hectic as all hell currently. I've been living on the couch of my 'old house' for two weeks, with one to go, because my new landlord is dumb, and my roommates and i are non-confrontational weenies. - I work at Starfux now (ew). But due to my co-workers ruling i really rather enjoy it (ew, again). - I start my third year at Temple Uni this month, and i am truly terrified. This is going to be my most difficult year of undergraduate school. That's why i'm back on here. I promised myself i'd be "sober sally" this year and have decided to replace partying with obsessing over fashion even more than i already do. Also going to the gym more (as in sometimes; opposed to never). Ha! We'll see how that goes!

In other-other news i just ordered this jacket from in the grey. I tried to post the picture but apparently yesstyle feels the needs to make roughly five billion pictures into one image. Needless to say i hope that it looks as good in person and isn't too small for my pathetic, out-of-shape American frame!

Tonight i'm going to see mewithoutYou in concert by myself. Here's hoping i meet a soulmate! Or, you know, someone that doesn't find me utterly impossible to talk too. I'll post my outfit when i'm done being lazy. Probs.

Tuesday, December 29

Dare I Give In?

So obviously the Chloe's are out of my grubby little hands' grasp, but their knock-offs, Jeffery Campbell Potion Boots, are for sure more accesible at $145. My parents offered to go halfsies on them for Christmas. I was hesitant mostly because the Campbell's are no where as extravagant as the Chloe's and that's kind of upseting. I eventually weenied out and ordered Urban Outfitters' We Who See Wedge Booties.

I've already seen them in person (the store was sold out of anything but sixes and nines!) and they're half the price. Not much to argue with there. I'm pretty stoked because i love heels but i never really get chances to wear any of my millions of pairs of pumps. Poppin my wedge cherry! Will post pictures/review as soon as i get them.

In completely unrelated news, for the first time since about my sophomore year in high school my hair is 100% free of obnoxious neon colours! I actually had quite a bit of anxiety about the whole thing. That was kinda the last straw. I finally was able to see how much i used my hair as a crutch. It's almost been a relief not to have it anymore although i'm not quite sure how/why. They way i see it now i have an excuse to get even crazier with my wardrobe! As if i even needed an excuse for that.

Saturday, August 8

Opening Post / Opening Ceremony

Despite the fact that i am simply restating the words uttered by every woman(and many men, i'm sure) when they first saw these:

I'm going to say it: i would totally kill for the Chloe Sevigny for Open Ceremony Buckle Boots!! Even better, if i killed said victim while wearing them! So, Chloe, if you're in need of any *ahem* favours feel free to mail me a pair, an address& photo, and +3 two-handed broadsword!

In addition, if you're a glutton for pain(not that kind you dirty bird, you!) and are in search of a new workout video may i recommend Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones. It will make you want to vomit, but in the good way. Er, i guess.